These are actual bumper stickers that have been found on the back of cars. Check them out: 1) Everyone has a photographic memory. Not everyone has film. 2) When the chips are down, the buffalo is empty. 3) Seen it, done it, can't remember it. 4) Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't. 5) I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe. (That's me) 6) She's always late. Her ancestors arrived on the Juneflower. 7) I wonder how deeper the ocean would be without sponges. 8) Honk if love peace and quiet. 9) Despite the cost of living, have you noticed how it remains so popular? 10) Nothing is a fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool. 11) A day without sunshine is like, you know, night. 12) Back up my drive? How do I put it in reverse? 13) I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory. 14) Save the whales. Collect the whole set. 15) On the other hand, you have different fingers. 16) All generalizations are false. 17) I brake for no apparent reason. 18) We have enough youth. How about a fountain of smart? 19) He who laughs last, thinks slowest. 20) Time is what keeps everything from happening all at once. 21) Born free...Taxed to death! 22) I get enough exercise pushing my luck. 23) Work is for people who don't know how to fish. 24) I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain just to be a Vegetarian! 25) Women who seek to be equal lack ambition. 26) If you don't like the news, go out and make some! 27) Sorry, I don't date outside my species. (Me also) 28) No radio. Already stolen. 29) Real women don't have hot flashes, they have power surges. 30) OK, who stopped payment on my reality check? 31) Few women admit their age; fewer men act it. 32) I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every moment of it! (Oh yes this be also) 33) Hard work has a fture payoff. Laziness pays off NOW! 34) It's lonely at the top, but you eat better. 35) According to my calculations, the problem doesn't exist. 36) Some people are alive only becuase it's illegal to kill. 37) Pride is what we have. Vanity is what others have. 38) How can I miss you if you won't go away? 39) Always remember that you are unique...just like everyone else. [PRESS BUTTON TO GO BACK TO ODDIES PAGE OR USE THE COMMAND TO PRINT THIS OUT]