#27) A word I know, Six Letters it conains, Subject just one, And twelve is what remains. What is this?_______________________________ #28) It has no top or bottom but it can hold flesh, bone, and blood all at the same time?_______________________________ #29) The more you take, the more you leave behind.___________________________ #30) Light as a feather, there is nothing in it the strongest man can't hold it for much than a minute?__________________________________ #31) As I walk along the path I saw something with four fingers and one thumb, it was not flesh, fish, bone, for fowl. What was it?________________________________ #32) What can run but never walks, has a mouth, but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?______________________________________ #33) What eat rocks, levels mountains, rusts metals, pushes clouds across the sky, and can make a young man old?________________ #34) What object has keys that open no locks, space but no room, and you can enter but not go in?__________________________________________ #35) What we caught we threw away, what we didn't catch we kept. What is it?_________________________________ #36) What grows in winter and dies in summer. And have roots that grow up?_____________________________ #37) What two words have the most letters in it? (TRICKY!!!)_________ ____________ #38) What one word has the most letters in it? (ALSO TRICKY!!!)__________________ #39) Yellow and white, Hard Outside, Stolen from life, What am I?____________________________________________ #40) You use a knife to slice my head, You weep beside when I am dead. What am I?______________________________ #41) I went into the woods and got it. I sat down to seek it, I brought it home with me because I couldn't find it. What was it?_______________________________ #42) What can fill up the room but take no space?____________________________ #43) It is weightless, you can see it and if you put in a barrel it will make the barrel lighter?__________________________ #44) If you throw me off the highest building in the world, I shall not break. But if you put in me in the ocean, I shall. What am I called?___________________________ #45) No sooner spoken, then broken. What is it?_______________________________ #46) I have two heads but only one body. The more still I stand the faster I run. What am I?_____________________________ #47) The rich man want it, the wise man know it, the poor all need it, the kind man shows it. What is this called?____________________________________ [PRESS THE BUTTON TO GO BACK TO ODDIES PAGE ON YOUR BROWSER. USE THE COMMAND TO PRINT THIS OUT! ENJOY!]