#48) Squeeze it and it cries tears as red it as its flesh, but its heart is made of stone. ____________________________________ #49) I am the black child of white father, a wingless bird, flying to the clouds of heaven. I give birth to tears of mourning pupils that meet me, even though there is no cause for grief, and once on my birth I am dissolved into the air. What am I?_______________________________ #50) There is a crime , that if attempted, it is punishable, but if committed it cannot be punished. What is it?_______________________________ #51) Born motherless and fatherless, Into this world without sin Made a loud roar as I entered, And Never spoke again. What am I?________________________________________ #52) We are all little creatures; all of us have different features. One of us in glass is set; One of us you'll find in a jet. Another you may find in tin; And the fourth is boxed within. If the fifith you should pursue; It can never fly from you. What are we?__________________ #54) Silvery armor, Shining Bright. Never Yet, a Noble Knight, Swiftly darting, Silent as Death. Alive, yet never breathes a breathe. What am I? _____________________________________ #55) Upon the head, A Warrior's Guard, Upon the blow, The Weapons barred. What am I?___________________________________ #56) I am the bark without the dog, I am the heat without the burn, I am the hue without the rust, I am the scent of spicy dust. What am I?_________________________ #57) In the spring I am born, In summer I will darken, In autuem I shall blaze, In winter I die. What am I?______________________________ [PRESS THE BUTTON ON YOUR BROWSER TO GO BACK TO THE ODDIES PAGE. PRESS COMMAND TO PRINT THIS OUT! ENJOY!]