Rules for Southern Living: 1) Save all manner of bacon grease. You will be instructed how to use it. 2) If you forget a Southerner's name, refer to him or as ‘Bubba'. You have a 75% chance of being right. 3) Just because you can drive on snow and ice does not mean we can. Stay home the two days a year it snows. 4) If you run your car into a ditch, do not panaic. Four men in a cab of a four wheel drive with a 12 pack of beer and a tow chain will be along shortly. Do not try to help them. Just stay out of their way. This what they live for. 5) Do not be surprised to find a movie rentals and bait in the same store 6) Do not buy food at the movie store. 7) If it can't be fried in bacon grease, it ain't worth cooking, let alone eating. 8) Remember: "Y'all" is singular. "All y'all" is plural. "All y'all's" is plural possessive. (Mrs. Gribble and Mrs. Durr will get a kick out of this rule :)) 9) There is nothing sillier than a Northerner initiating a Southern accent unless it is a Southerner initialing a Boston accent. 10) Get used to hearing: "you ain't from around her, are you?" 11) People walk slower. 12) Do not be worried that you do not understand anyone. They do not understand you.