Department Store Santa Pet Peeves 10. December 26th rolls around, and all of a sudden you're just another fat guy. 9. When Sam Donaldson asks if you've ever had an improper relationship with an elf. 8 It takes five security guards to pry Richard Simmons off your lap. 7. Dumb kids who keep asking, "Are you Kenny Rogers?" 6. I'm recognized by everyone, I'm beloved the world over, and I'm making $6.50 a damn hour. 5. The bastards make you work Christmas Eve. 4. It breaks your heart when Amish kids ask for a Nintendo that doesn't require electricity. 3. Mrs. Claus constantly reminding me that I don't have a job lined up for January. 2. Men who sit on my lap and sob: "All I want for Christmas is my wife back from Jerry Seinfeld." 1 Kids drinking egg nog all day, not enough do the math, Chester. (remember to click on your web thing-old-bob to return to the jokes)