Welcome to the Stories, Oddies, N Jokes section of my web site. BEWARE! You enter here upon your own risks. This area out of all the areas of this web site will have the most information and always up-to-date stuff. The downloads page of this web site comes in second place to this. On this site has three main components leading you to three different areas of this web site alone. This is the MAIN page of Stories, Oddies, N Jokes. Below here, make a selection to what area you wish to go in. There isn't any stories yet, so if you wish to submit one, click one of the three main email links at the NAV area of this web site. Oddies will contain strange things like: odd (and TRUE!) facts, riddles, strange werds (words people think up but are similar to the real thing, my friends Deanna and Danielle are famous for that), and other perplexing things. Finnally, Jokes area of this web site will contain a LOT of things. Be sure to check the this area of this web site again. If it gets updated, it will be indicated on the main web site. Please enjoy your stay, any comments, suggestions, or something you wish to submit. Please email me below.
Never criticize a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes.
Then, if he doesn't like what you have to say,
you are a mile away and have his shoes.
Click here to visit the story archives of my realm. (There are NO stories yet! Submit your story here!) In production: Me and friend Lawrence are making our very own book. When it is about 50% done and copyrighted there will be a 'small sample' taste here. Be sure to check for updates!
The HUGE collection of jokes. (Not all jokes may be suitable for everyone, but I will NOT have very disgusting jokes and ones that have major sexual/suggestive themes. So if you are going to submit a joke to me [this goes towards oddies and stories as well, please do not send the following!)
The weird oddies section of this web site.
Check out the Perplexing Lateral Thinking Puzzles. There are five now in the archives.