Please select what odd thing you'd like to see: (I am not responsible for brain damage)
The weirdest (yet dangerous) virus!
How bored can a person can get? Very bored to come out with these TRUE interesting facts! (Page 1)
Here are more strange yet TRUE interesting facts! (Page 2)
Try to take your brain for a spin for these set of riddles! (Page 1)
Give up? Here are the answers to the riddles! (For Page 1 under work)
More riddles await you, head for level II of the riddles! (Page 2)
Done working your brain out? Here are the answers to level II riddles (For Page 2 under work)
Last but not least, I have provided even more riddles for you. Level III (Page 3)
Once your done compare your answers for level III! (For Page 3 under work)
Actual signs that have been seen, but there is something not quite right.